Empowering Champions
Good Manners are as important as good grooming and good behavior. Unfortunately, however, in this day of confused standards, manners are sometimes sadly neglected. This is especially true of table manners.
Manners must not be stilted, self-conscious, or artificial. Therefore, it is dangerous to have one system, or no system, for eating at home or dining out.
Why are manners anyway?
What do you do when you meet someone new?
Respecting myself!
Showing respect and kindness to others
Social behavior in the public
Powerful words to remember
Speaking politely over the phone
Classroom manners
Good sportsmanship
Party etiquette
Gift giving and receiving
Table manners and helping at mealtime
Get Some Manners
Social Graces
Competition for spots in schools and good jobs are becoming increasingly tough and those young people, whose social skills are well developed and natural, will stand out in the crowd and have a leg up on their peers.
Knowing the proper social graces allows children to feel confident and poised. If people don’t have to worry that their manners will offend, they can partake in social situations with ease, their focus being their goal and not whether or not they might pick up the wrong fork.
Of course, manners are not just used to “get ahead.” Treating others with dignity and respect creates a society that is civil and thoughtful. A narcissistic society where everyone puts themselves first, and where other’s feelings are just an afterthought, would be a cold and lonely place, indeed.
Greetings and Introductions
Using Of Tact When Communicating
Good Sportsmanship
Poise and Posture
Positive Body language To Adopt
Art Of Conversation, Listening Skills, And Giving Compliments
Telephone, Party, Home And Restaurant Dining Etiquette
The Young Sophiscate
We Love Our Teens And We Care About Their Future!
We want to equip them with the tools to tackle life with gusto. Good manner are imperative to successful adults. Etiquette training teaches teens how to handle themselves in all adult social situations.
All teens, all adults for that matter, need good manners whether they are eating at the local fast food joint, interviewing for a spot in a college, dressing to go to a movie or attending a party.
Dating, grooming, interviewing, relating to others, and eating out are some of the common everyday situations that teens and young adults must be able to handle appropriately. Kids who are not taught manners may turn into ill mannered adults who are difficult to be around.
Importance of First Impressions
Grooming Mistakes To Avoid
Being Clothes-Minded
Organising Your Wardrobe
Making Introductions
Poise and Posture
Positive Body Language To Adopt
The Art of Conversation, Listening Skills and Giving Compliments
Email Etiquette
Mobile Phones And Texting Courtesy
Interview Skills And Tips
Restaurant Dining Etiquette